Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Of Zombies, Vampires and.. Poop?

My new NinjaTown plushies arrived yesterday!!!!
Since it's a random thing I'm glad that I got two of my favorites: the Zombie and the Ninja Dropping. These are tiny, ( If I'd have seen them in a store, probably wouldn't have bought them at $6 each) but since internet shopping tends to do that to you, I ordered anyway. I hung the Zombie on my rearview mirror and the poop from my keychain.

The zombeh cuteness in action. That's the cute little box that he came in.

and that's the little poopie fella. So cute.

I got these from www.shawnimals.com if you're interested. Even if you're not buying, the site is full of super cute creatures for your viewing pleasure. So be sure and try to stop by!

I still haven't gotten past the part of the game that I'm on. Seems it's a bit harder than I would like.

On to other news, hehe, I read Twilight last Friday (yeahh... ) and I have to say it's OK. Not a great book in literary terms, more an interesting perspective on a really whacked off subject. I think the longing aspect of it is well presented (yes, it got me a bit desperate sometimes for some action, but that's what leaves you wanting more...) like I heard my cousin once say: "Twilight is abstinence porn".
I'm starting New Moon today. Let's see how that goes.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Consequence of Sounds...

In a Regina Spektor mood today. These days always make me think a little, or even just want to dance in my room screaming at the top of my lungs the lyrics of this crazy-cute russian girl with a definitively unique musical style. I googled the meanings of some names (mainly of people I know) and according to babynames.com, my name means... Fairy Queen? At least I believe it's russian :)

On another note, last night I went to watch The Proposal, I give it maybe a 2.5 out of 5 stars mainly for it being entertaining. As any other rom-com, it's just lacking in terms of story, dialogue, etc. The scenery was beautiful (the parts where they showed Alaska, anyways...) and I love me some Sandra Bullock, but... Rom-coms are just these pre-made outlines of a movie that will never ever probably be considered a cinematic masterpiece. Definitely a chick-flick, and probably would touch the hearts of those that haven't lived in the real life and experienced real problems and real love and that sort of things. Just like any other rom-com.

On with the salad, today I broke the non-makeup rut yet again and decided to try some blues. The results:

All Aromaleigh (www.aromaleigh.com) eyeshadows: Aqua Nightmare, Peacoat, Planetearth, Wizard Gold. Lovely colors, but I think it's my love for words that's got me buying compulsively from them lately. The names are amazing!

Braces status is: still sucking. Boyfriend status is: still sick. Friday status: promising to be uneventful as of 10:28 a.m.

...Let's see how it goes....

*see, I told you this blog was a salad!*


Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, Thursday?

Nothing interesting to report today. I am quite tired from worrying, the boyfriend is sick and last night I told him to come over so I could take care of him. Now I'm worried that I might catch it, but it doesn't worry me as much as not being able to be the hovering, maternal instincts on high girlfriend all day long.
There's some things happening in the economical sense of the word, and I worry that I might not be able to go through with my plans of going to NYC in October. It's too soon to tell as of yet, but it's worrying nonetheless.
My mind is all over the place today, as it is every day. Strattera keeps me focused, but only slightly, and my mind is able and unrestrained to travel everywhere she wants to. Sometimes I even get so distracted by my own nailpolish, moving my fingers around, looking at how the light dances off the sparkles on it... Yeah. My life is sometimes boring, I'd say. But I don't think I want it to be more interesting just yet.
In other snippets of my life, and for those of you who don't already know this (lol) I divide my time on the Nintendo DS mainly between Final Fantasy III and Ninja Town. This week it's been the latter, those cute, pudgy little ninjas and all their bright colors sure bring a big smile to my face every time I see them. And what would any dilligent Ninja Town fan do? Well, visit , DUH! I ordered two Ninja Town Micro Plushes. Don't even know when they'll arrive or where I'll keep them, but they shall be my pets, Amen.

The braces are still killing me. No picture today because frankly, my hair doesn't look so good and I am in dire need of undereye concealer. If you have just started reading, well, hello! and don't worry. Content will get deeper as time progresses. I'm trying to break the writing rut that I have been in for a very, very long time.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tooth Drama

Yesterday I didn't write because I spent half the day at my orthodontist's office. I spent Monday night at the boy's (who lives conveniently close to where the Dr. is) and woke up a little bit earlier than I would've liked to be there on time. And so I was, only I had to wait for what seemed like an eternity (I think it was a bit more than 2hours) in a freezing office. Thank God I had my Nintendo DS with me, and in the meantime got busy passing level after level of NinjaTown. Once I was finally called in, I spent like 2 more hours on the chair, no joke!!! The dentist assistants proceeded to replace a loose bracket, clean my teeth, and put the brackets and wire on the bottom teeth. In the meantime they spent so long doing this I thought I might as well fall asleep there!
When I looked out the window I noticed it was dark and really really cloudy, my car was parked a few buildings down (that's Piñero Ave. for you) and I had worn my Keen purple sandals because, sure, why not? So after it was all done since I had to return to the office I ventured out into the street to walk to my car. I arrived soaking wet, everything from my feet, my shoes, my shirt, my hair, everything! I immediately turned on the heater in my car.
after the flood (lol) I grabbed some lunch and had totally forgotten about the new line of braces, so it was a lot harder and more painful than I thought to eat it, but I finally finished about an hour later. apparently TAco Bell is not a good idea when your teeth are caged in metal. I found this out the hard way...
The rest of the afternoon was quite the uneventful ordeal except for the tightening in my jaw that was every moment harder to deal with. At five I finally got off, and after eating two yogurt cups, took two advil and an ambien and finally was able to rest a bit.
This morning I managed to take a picture of me smiling, feeling a little bit better (in part because I got to try some of my new Aromaleigh En Pointe samples, Sylp and Serenade eyeshadows)

no one can pretend to be painlessly happy as well as I can :)

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hace mas de un año que no escribo. En parte por falta de inspiración, en parte por vagancia, en parte por no querer publicar todas las complicaciones corrientes de mi vida. Dije que iba a escribir en papel y lápiz, pero eso no ayuda la vagancia. Es dificil mantenerme cuerda bajo todas las situaciones internas y externas, familiares, laborales, románticas y de amistades. ES una pelea constante, dia a dia. Tengo fe de que algun dia todo caerá bajo su propio peso y poco a poco se iran resolviendo todos los desastres.
Y espero poder escribir mas a menudo, como siempre digo.