Friday, June 29, 2007

Un Solo Dia

Hace algunos años solía escribir muchisimos poemas (y no-poemas). A gente en especifico, o a nadie en especifico.. .
Aqui esta uno de ellos. Me parece que es del 2004. Enjoy! (la pintura tambien es mia, del 2004)

"Un Solo Dia"-
Un dia tendido por la posibilidad de volverte a ver, un dia que espera llegar finalmente a mi, un solo dia que ni siquiera nombrarse puede. Un pequeño dia en el que tu y yo volveremos a ser, lo mismo que antes, quizas mas. Un poco mas que ayer. Poco mas que la ultima vez. Un dia que se convertira en noche, nuevamente efimera y espantada por el espacio que la sigue. Una noche que no durará para siempre, asi como los secretos se dan a conocer, los besos se acaban, el amor se extingue. Y naturalmente ese dia nos separaremos, mejor esa noche, o seguiran los dias pasando, las semanas avanzando y los meses entrando, llenos de dias de amor, secretos, besos, felicidad? Y al igual seguimos entendiendo que el amor no dura para siempre, que es solo una reaccion quimica del cerebro, una ilusion del cuerpo, una excusa para el sexo. O sera esto algo que solo nos queremos creer para sentirnos mejor? Para no sentirnos culpables de penetrar los estrechos corredores del corazon ajeno? Un solo dia, entre dos noches, entre tantos otros dias, entre tantas otras personas. Dificil de reconocer al igual que el amor verdadero, ese dia perfecto y soleado que todo niño espera para salir a jugar. Ese amor que ya de grandes no dejamos de esperar.

-Tattiana Torres

Let's get some shoes...

It's great to find good shoes at an awesome price ( especially when said shoes are Dr Scholls' but nowhere near looking like those hideous cobbie cuddlers at Kmart)
SOOO comfy! I just gotta get used to the heels part. I am totally, shallow-ly raving about shoes. But... I mean...

These, for instance, were $76... Got 'em for $32

and these, were $56... Got them for $32 as well...

The joys of sales at Gatsby...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Little Red Summer dress (and then some)

The kids from North Carolina are here: Gabriel (11), Eduardo (10), and Sofia (6). They're sweet, good kids that are bored to death from spending way too-much time with their grandma in the beach trailer. So yesterday I took 'em to WalMart ( in search of some interfacing to make purses with). We bought doughnuts and Icee, and Sofia wanted me to make her a dress. "It's gotta be red, and it's gotta have a flower, too". I bought this really nice red cotton fabric and as soon as I got home, got to work in making the pattern/dress.
This is how it came out:
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The little monkey was pretty happy!
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Full-body shot on the model:
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I'm happy, and proud that she liked it. In fact, she loved it. Job well done for me!!!


And this is the other top I made, from a beautiful $1.88 fabric (Fabric Depot RULES!!!)
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And I'm happy wearing it as well. It's been good days for my creative impulses and I think after awhile of being dormant they've finally awoken.

20 days to go till I go to Orlando, and I have no money (however, nobody is better at loans than my own parents, who will probably make me wash cars, do pedicures, and random office work for the whole year 2008 if it's neccesary, as long as I don't go on that trip empty handed). I honestly don't care, my traveling veins have been pulsating and I think it's time I get on another plane!!!!

I re-visited the exposition at Caguas ( La Tierra Desde el Cielo or something like that) tonight with my grandparents and the kids. Still that Pripiat ( a city near Chernobyl that had to be evacuated in its entirety) picture keeps beating at the back of my head, in all its eerie, cold, and gloomy glory. I managed to find a copy on the net, however if you are able to go see it firsthand, PLEASE DO! It's got much more impact at the huge size it is displayed. All the other Yann Arthus-Bertrand pictures are breathtaking as well, so it's worth the trip to Caguas ( if you live in Puerto Rico, of course)
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whew! I think this'll be it for today... Long day tomorrow!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Trying to compromise

Or better said, make myself write on this, the fabulous closed-eye typing blog of MissTat.


Now you , compromise in reading it. (is that even a word?) It should say commit. yes! Commit yourself to me!!!! wee.

*end rant*

I've been attacking the sewing machine these past 5 or 6 days. More thinking and pondering than actually working on something, I've made two tops and two bags, and am almost finished with a dress (part t-shirt reconstruction, part vintage 70's fabric from an old dress of my grandmother's). My mind is reeling, reeling, reeling, and I want to spend 100% of my day in the now chaotic sewing room. Yay for chaos!

I had my carpet cleaned, and my furniture rearranged so now my room looks a lot better, I think the dent on the left side of my bed will now disappear since the right side is more accessible, allowing me to alternate sleeping sides *wink*.

Last night ( noche de San Juan) was nice, went to Luis's pool with Alysha, ate Texas Toast and "croquetas", and then went straight to bed. My parents are still not here, they're not usually here anymore and I'm getting used to it (particularly to the fact that I can play my music loud at 3 a.m, loud enough to hear it in the sewing room...). Ah, the simple pleasures. The disorganization of my thoughts. Hence the blog title.

Closed Eye Typing.

(PS- the image on top is one of the shirts I made, it used to be two pillowcases. Sorry that it's on the top making it seem completely irrelevant, but my browser's copy/paste is busted and I can't move it)...