Wednesday, January 24, 2007

about the last post

I ended up getting dressed and going to college anyway, just like that, without sleeping. I was in the crankiest mood ever, couldnt find a parking spot, after 2 hours i finally found one and i took a 2 hour nap in the car. I made it to my last 2 classes, but hey, 50% is good enough, i think.....

i am currently working on some scarves for a friend, and planning out my next crocheted doll adventure-thingy. But of course i'll try to work on it during the day. no more all nighters on school nights!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


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It's done. It's 5:26 a/m. I AM DYING of sleepiness. And I'm supposed to wake up at seven. Too bad no one reads this (yet) because I'd definitely ask for suggestions on what the hell to do.....

Monday, January 22, 2007

First post

I have no idea what I'm going to put here. NO IDEA .

maybe a litte bit of everything that I do instead of doing the things I'm supposed to be doing. Like for example, crocheting an amigurumi cat instead of doing homework and going to sleep ( early start, classes tomorrow...)

For instance; about 2 weeks ago I was making this:
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( The pouch-thingy, not the iPod).

more to come. I'll now go back to my amigurumi cat....